Solutions and Pricing

Hands-off solutions that maintain privacy

Base Package  $299 ea (min. 8)

The base package comes with pre-established competencies and related questions which are relevant to most businesses. Each competency is assessed with two separate questions to give the feedback balance and depth. This report, like all our offerings, comes with shuffled comments for each question to enhance the quality of the feedback while maintaining anonymity.   20 questions across 10 competencies from up to 15 individuals provides robust feedback for each professional.

Survey generation, data collection, anonymization and report production are all included, so you can focus on running your business!

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Customized Package (Call)

Tailoring the base package to your company’s needs is a service we are happy to provide. You may have your competencies and questions prepared already. In that case, we can adjust the tool to meet your needs. OR, you may want some support selecting the best competencies to drive your business forward. As experts in a variety of fields, including Human Resources, we have the expertise to support you through the process so the tool is exactly what your business needs. Let us take this off your plate! 

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Leadership Competencies


Tailored Questions


Bonus Questions


Different Charts and Tables


Easy To Follow Report